Welcome to the top of the world

We truly miss you Denmark, Norway and Iceland!

Energy has
no boundaries.
Neither do we.

Energy has
no boundaries.
Neither do we.

We are one.

The nordic region – a place for innovation, creativity and business

We are used to being first. Although our countries are small, the results of our ideas, products and business are often big. We are pioneers – those who like to take the lead. This is the intention of Renewable Nordic Group. We aim for the Nordics to be the first region in the world to use only renewable energy. We do this by learning from each other, utilizing our differences and cooperating across borders. For our customers and for humanity. Because there is only one way to switch to renewable energy – together.

We are your independent experts in coordinating business development of renewable energy in the Nordic region.

Want to get in touch with us? Visit any of our member companies' websites or fill in the contact form below.

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